The organisational vision of a Startup Its formation, its classification, and its propagation
Too often, VISION and the business values which are important for achieving business goals are not shared by the working team and by the staff. A situation which does not promote the FEELING OF BELONGING and reduces the necessary IDENTIFICATION and CONVICTION of a member of staff in the organisation cannot lead to optimal results in the future. From the moment when the new CAPACITIES are not efficiently stimulated and developed, it is a short step to a BEHAVIOUR that causes technical and social disintegration. And this has a direct influence on RESULTS. This training event is intended for far-sighted Startup teams!
If you want to build a ship, don´t restrict your men to being followers of orders, don´t explain all the details to them and tell them where they can find what ... if you want to build a ship, convey to them the yearning for and the love of the sea"
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |